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Aztec Connect Bridges

This guide is intended for readers interested in developing Aztec Connect Bridges or learning about them technically, instead of using them.

What is Aztec Connect

Aztec Connect is a framework that enables users to access protocols on Ethereum Layer 1 (L1) privately, securely and inexpensively. It consists of three main components:

L1 Protocols Your favorite protocols already deployed and running on L1, e.g. Lido, Element, Yearn, Uniswap and more.

Aztec Connect Bridges Smart contracts on L1 that facilitate the Aztec rollup contract to interact with other L1 Protocols on behalf of L2 Aztec Network users.

Aztec SDK A tool set for developing user-facing applications to interact with the Aztec Network, including APIs for interacting with L1 Protocols using Aztec Connect Bridges.

A typical flow of action starts from a user initiating an interaction request through a frontend powered by the Aztec SDK. The request is then passed to the Aztec backend and the corresponding Aztec Connect Bridge, which interacts with the specific L1 Protocol on behalf of the user.

What are Aztec Connect Bridges

Aztec Connect Bridges are L1 smart contracts that conform L1 Protocols to the interface of the L1 Aztec rollup contract. They enable L2 Aztec users to interact with L1 Protocols cheaply and privately.

A bridge contract models any L1 Protocol as an asset swap. Up to two input assets and two output assets can be specified for each bridge:

Note: Assets A and B shall be of identical amounts (but not necessarily of identical types) in the current design to avoid free-riders. Further research to lift the limitation is underway.

The asset swap delay depends on whether the bridge is designed to be synchronous or asynchronous. For more information on synchronicity, check the Sync vs Async section.

A high-level look of the Lido-Curve bridge that swaps users' ETH into wstETH:

For more information on how Aztec Connect Bridges work, check the workshop video linked at the beginning of this guide and the Aztec Connect section of the Aztec Docs.

Workshop Video

Certain content of this guide is also covered in this workshop video:

Writing a Bridge

Solidity Dev Env

An Aztec Connect Bridge is developed entirely in Solidity. You are therefore welcome to choose your preferred Solidity development environment.

We recommend Foundry given the interconnected nature of Aztec Connect Bridges with existing Mainnet protocols.


To get started with an example setup, follow the steps below:

  1. Fork the Aztec Connect Bridges repository.

  2. Clone your fork:

git clone{YOUR_GITHUB_USERNAME}/aztec-connect-bridges.git
  1. Change directory into aztec-connect-bridges:
cd aztec-connect-bridges
  1. Create a new branch with your preferred bridge name:
  1. Install dependencies and build the repository:
yarn setup
  1. Copy and rename the example folders as your boilerplates to work on:

You are now equipped to write your first Aztec Connect Bridge! Simply start by reading and implementing your bridge over the boilerplate files.

For more information on how the Aztec rollup contract would call your bridge, check IDeFiBridge.sol.


In production, a bridge is called by a user creating a client-side proof via the Aztec SDK. These transaction proofs are sent to the sequencer for aggregation. The sequencer then sends the aggregate rollup proof with the sum of all users' proofs with identical BridgeCallData (class definition) to your bridge contract in one go for gas savings and improved privacy.

A BridgeCallData uniquely defines the expected inputs/outputs of an L1 interaction. It is a uint256 that represents a bit-string containing multiple fields. When unpacked its data is used to create a BridgeData struct in the rollup contract.

The structure of the bit-string is as follows (starting at the least significant bit):

bit positionbit lengthdefinitiondescription
032bridgeAddressIdid of bridge smart contract address
3230inputAssetAasset id of 1st input asset
6230inputAssetBasset id of 1st input asset
9230outputAssetAasset id of 1st output asset
12230outputAssetBasset id of 2nd output asset
18464auxDatacustom auxiliary data for bridge-specific logic

Note: The last 8 bits of the BridgeCallData bit-string are wasted as the rollup proving circuits cannot support values of full 256 bits (248 is the largest multiple of 8 that we can use).

bitConfig definition:


Note: Despite using only 2 bits in the current design, bitConfig is 32 bits large for future-proofing (new bit flags would be needed to add e.g. NFT support).

For more information on bridge call data, check the Aztec Connect Bridges repository README.


Testing is critical to ensure your bridge is working as intended. Refer to example tests under src/test/bridges/example/ and other tests under src/test/bridges/ for inspirations.

The main objective of unit tests is to demonstrate the bridge works by itself. The testing focus is recommended to be on edge cases, reverts, output value assertions and fuzzy tests.

The main objective of end-to-end (E2E) tests, meanwhile, is to demonstrate the bridge works in a production-like environment. The testing setup should involve mocking the rollup with BridgeTestBase.sol and the focus is recommended to be on event emissions and token transfers.

For example, for Foundry users to test the ExampleUnitTest contract:

forge test --match-contract ExampleUnitTest -vvv


The best way to deploy your bridge is through a deployment script with Foundry.


Read more about Solidity scripting with foundry here.

Refer to ExampleDeployment.s.sol and other scripts under src/deployment for inspirations.

The following command will run the deployAndList() function in ExampleDeployment.s.sol. You will need to export a couple of environment variables before running the command.

export network=testnet # wont work on mainnet, permissionless bridge listing not enabled yet
export simulateAdmin=false # to broadcast your deployment to the testnet
forge script --fork-url --private-key $PRIV --legacy --ffi ExampleDeployment --sig "deployAndList()" --broadcast

where $PRIV is a private key for an Ethereum account on the testnet that has ETH to pay fees.

The bridge id will be printed in the terminal, something similar to:

== Logs ==
simulating: testnet
Current chain id: 677868
Rollup at: 0xca41ca7363323d88598c5d0a8de2c02fb13ab772
Deploying example bridge
Example bridge deployed to: 0x90c0b9bdcedbac5282451e4d8f8226f6a1bb87cb
Example bridge address id: 19

Some notes on the additional flags in the above command:

  • --ffi allows us to access stuff outside solidity, so we use it to fetch rollup processor address
  • --sig is the function signature that we want to call
  • --legacy is because ganache (which the testnet is running on) and eip1559 don't play well
  • -vvvv prints trace
  • broadcast will broadcast the deployment transactions to the testnet (rather than running simulations)

Once the bridge has been deployed and listed to the rollup contract, reach out via email to get the Aztec testnet sequencer config updated so that the sequencer can handle transactions to the new bridge contract.

Refer to this section of the bridges repo README for more detail.

Testnet Deployment Info


Our testnet is currently undergoing maintenance. If you need access to an Aztec testing environment, please reach out via email.

You can use these commands to get all of assets and bridges that the Aztec core team has deployed on the testnet.

# export env vars
export RPC=
export network=testnet
export simulateAdmin=false

# run script
forge script --fork-url $RPC --ffi DataProviderDeployment --sig "read()"

Add Custom Token

To add support for a custom token that is deployed to the testnet, call function setSupportedAsset(address _token, uint256 _gasLimit) external; on the rollup contract. The testnet rollup contract address is 0x614957a8ae7b87f18fa3f207b6619c520a022b4f.


Permissionless token listing to mainnet is not yet supported. This only works for the testnet.

To do this:

  1. Import the IRollupProcessor.sol contract into Remix
  2. Compile IRollupProcessor.sol
  3. Connect Metamask to the testnet
  4. Connect Remix and Metamask
  5. Create an instance of IRollupProcessor.sol at address 0x614957a8ae7b87f18fa3f207b6619c520a022b4f
  6. Call setSupportedAsset() with your token address and 200000 for the _gasLimit. The _gasLimit tells the Aztec client how much gas token transfers use. 200,000 is an overestimate that is fine for testnet transactions, but you should test your token for more precise gas usage before deploying to mainnet.

To get the assets that Aztec supports, call IRollupProcessor.getSupportedAssets(). This will return two arrays, an array of token addresses and an array of gas limits.

Aux Data

The auxData field in the bridge call data is custom auxiliary data supporting bridge-specific logic.

To benefit from the gas savings and improved privacy of aggregated proofs with identical bridgeCallData, the definition of auxData of a bridge could be an important consideration during its design process.

Rebasing Token

Tokens bridged onto the Aztec Network are represented as Aztec notes of fixed values. Bridging rebasing tokens like Lido stETH and Ampleforth naively without wrappers would result in users losing out on entitled rewards and suffering from insolvent withdrawals.

The use of a canonical wrapper like Lido wstETH / a self-built wrapper to anchor the amounts of bridged assets is therefore highly recommended.

Sync vs Async

Depending on the application, Aztec Connect interactions that require 2-step processes can utilize the asynchronous option by flipping the isAsync flag during bridge design.

An example of an asynchronous bridge would be Element's, where redemptions are activated no earlier than the maturity of deposits.

Stateful vs Stateless

Another consideration when designing an Aztec Connect Bridge is to decide if it should hold state within the contract.

For interactions involving fungible positions (e.g. token swaps), a stateless bridge that does not hold funds outside calls is likely preferred for the generally smaller code base.

For interactions involving long-standing non-fungible positions (e.g. borrowing, DCA, limit orders), a stateful bridge that handles accounting internally and holds funds between calls is likely required.

Gas Limit

As a measure to avoid the entire Aztec rollup failing from out-of-gas issues, bridges are required to specify their upper gas usage limit when registering on the Aztec rollup.

Bridge designers should take variations in gas usage that depend on alterable L1 state into account when deciding their gas limits.

Bridge Reverts

When a bridge reverts, the Aztec rollup will emit an event indicating that the bridge has reverted, and then continue with Aztec Connect interactions of other remaining bridges.

This could lead to tricky debugging if E2E tests are carried out as the first tests post-design, as revert messages are only discoverable in emitted events.


An ERC-4626 Aztec Connect Bridge that supports tokenized vaults complying with the EIP-4626 standard is available. If an Aztec Connect interaction can conform to an ERC-4626 position, it may be desirable to utilize the existing bridge instead of building a new one.


📝 Aztec Connect Bridges Repo

The repository containing code of Aztec Connect Bridges deployed and in development, as well as boilerplates and information for writing a new bridge.

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